Central National is a division of Central National Gottesman (CNG) a leading global distributor of pulp, paper, packaging, wood products and metals used in business, industry and in the home.

Visit us at www.cng-inc.com.


We sell more than four million metric tons of the pulp, paper, packaging, metals and wood products used in industry, business and in homes around the globe.

With commercial representation in more than 100 countries, Central National covers the industry with offices and professionals in strategic geographies around the world.

We bring the best thinking, creativity and service to our business, with skilled teams to handle logistics and technology, finance, risk management and trade services.


Generations of Leadership


Years in Operation


Global Locations


Countries Sold Into


Central National builds on five generations of family ownership, market knowledge and adaptability to deliver an uninterrupted flow products and create value for clients and suppliers around the world.

We sell and move forest products with speed and accuracy from mill suppliers to customers around the world. Our more than 200 professionals have extensive insight into the commercial markets where we operate, and a thorough understanding of the business goals of our clients.

We help bridge the gap between suppliers and customers with flexible financing, risk management and credit services. Our expertise in multi-currency trading, invoicing and hedging means our supply partners can react to constantly changing economic and operating environments.

Central National partners with organizations expanding or re-purposing facilities or constructing new mills, providing sales and marketing programs that seamlessly take product to market.


We sell and move our core products with speed and accuracy from suppliers to customers around the world. Our more than 200 professionals have extensive insight into the commercial markets where we operate, and a thorough understanding of the business goals of our clients.